Trade and growth in the New Member States. The role of global value chains

We analyze the determinants of value added and productivity growth of New Member States in the period between 1995 and 2009. We show that in the analyzed countries exports contributed to roughly 30 to over 40% of the overall growth of GDP while the contribution of the domestic component varied from negative to over 60%. We show that in the most important export manufacturing industries of the NMS, the growth in exported value added was substantial, while the growth of the domestic component of GDP was mostly due to the growth in services. We associate growth of sectoral productivity with the foreign direct investment and exporting but, more importantly, with the position of a sector/country in the global value chains. We show that sectors that have imported intermediate goods have experienced higher productivity growth. Moreover, productivity growth was found in sectors further away from the final demand and in sectors exporting intermediate goods.

  • This paper uses the WIOD data together with the accompanying Social and Economic Accounts.
  • You can compute the GVC measures used in the paper (WWZ, 2013) using the Decompr R package.
  • The codes computing the GDP growth decompositions presented in the paper can be downloaded below, if you use it or any part of it in your research, please, cite our paper. This code assumes that you have the WWZ (2013) decomposition ready.

Unpublished version

@article{doi:10.1080/1540496X.2017.1369878, author = {Jan Hagemejer}, title = {Trade and growth in the New Member States. The role of global value chains}, journal = {Emerging Markets Finance and Trade}, volume = {0}, number = {ja}, pages = {null}, year = {2017}, publisher = {Routledge}, doi = {10.1080/1540496X.2017.1369878}, URL = { }, eprint = { } }