Czy wybieralibyśmy lepiej, żyjąc w nieustannym poczuciu finansowych niedoborów lub goniącego czasu? Sprawdza Marcin Lewandowski GRAPE | Tłoczone z danych dla...
Marcin holds a bachelor's degree from SGH and currently studies Cognitive Science at UW. In GRAPE he works on the EARHART project.
Marcin ukończył licencjat na SGH, obecnie studiuje Cognitive Science na UW. W GRAPE zajmuje się projektem EARHART.
Skąd wiemy o ile w przyszłości wzrosną ceny? Sprawdza Marcin Lewandowski GRAPE | Tłoczone z danych dla...
Marcin Lewandowski na tropie związku między pieniędzmi a szczęściem GRAPE | Tłoczone z danych.
W toku | Work in progress
Rising longevity and US wealth inequality Przeczytaj streszczenie | Read abstract
While US wealth inequality has been rising, research and policy debates have paid little attention to the fact that wealth inequality contains two dimensions - inequality among individuals of the same birth-cohort and inequality between birth-cohorts. We disentangle these dimensions and show that increasing wealth inequality is to a considerable extent driven by between-cohort inequality. We further show that a significant part of this between-cohort inequality may be linked to optimizing saving behavior of individuals over their life cycle, thus not necessarily pointing to a need for government intervention.