IMD Days bring together researchers and students interested in understanding the role of markets and policy in addressing the problem of inequality. The goal of the workshop is to create bridges between fields (economic theory, public finance, welfare economics, applied microeconomics) and discuss different perspectives and approaches (theoretical and empirical). IMD Days will feature a few longer talks in a “summer school style” as well as shorter “conference style” talks. The program will create ample opportunities for long conversations and networking.
To facilitate interactions, all participants will be accommodated in a small hotel in Konstancin-Jeziorna, a spa town right outside of Warsaw. The conference dinner will take place in Warsaw on Thursday and there will be a sightseeing trip on Saturday after the conference.
Confirmed speakers:
Mohammad Akbarpour works on market design, the interaction of design and inequality, and networked markets. Akbarpour is particularly interested in understanding how the kidney exchange markets, school choice systems, and the labor markets evolve, and to improve their designs. He frequently employs tools from computer science to tackle computationally complex economic problems.
Maya Eden is a professor of economics at the University of Zurich, and an associate professor of economics at Brandeis University (on leave). She is also an affiliate of the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and the Global Priorities Institute. Her primary research areas are normative economics and macroeconomics.
Felix Bierbrauer is a professor of economics at the University of Cologne. He is a member of the board of academic advisors of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. He is also affiliated with ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy, a Cluster of Excellence under Germany’s Excellence Strategy. Further affiliations are with the CEPR, CESifo and the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods.
Submissions of abstracts (300 to 500 words) or full papers dealing with one of the conference topics, or with related issues such as corruption, social benefit fraud, and other illicit economic activities are welcome. Papers may be either theoretical or empirical, experimental, agent-based etc.
There is a registration fee to cover the costs of conference materials, refreshments, conference dinner and social program. The fee is set to 300 euros (early bird, until April 30th) and 450 euros (until May 30th).
The registration fee for accompanying persons is 120 EUR and covers admission to the reception, conference dinner and the social program.
Sylwia Radomska - is an Assistant Professor at the Polish Academy of Sciences. She focuses on optimal taxation of human capital, higher education financing, and the role of parental support and financial aid. Her research also explores social inequalities across households and the impact of societal aging on labor market dynamics.
Piotr Dworczak – I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at Northwestern University and a Researcher at GRAPE. I work mainly on Mechanism and Information Design, combining research in pure theory with more applied interests in Inequality-aware Market Design and Financial Over-the-Counter Markets.
Joanna Tyrowicz –
Submissions due: June 30th, 2024
Acceptance notification: July 14th, 2024
Registration due: August 19th, 2024
Conference: July 30th - August 1st, 2025
The full program for the conference is available here.
Eva Park Life and Spa, ul. Henryka Sienkiewicza 2, 05-510 Konstancin-Jeziorna