Summer Workshop on Macro & Finance 2025

About the event: 
Summer Workshop on Macro & Finance 2025

The Summer Workshop on Macroeconomics and Finance is a cyclical event that brings together Polish economists affiliated at domestic and foreign institutions. A small number of papers is presented and we leave sufficient time for a thorough and lively discussion. In the past editions our presenters came among others from the Bank of England, Banque de France, Columbia University, European Central Bank, Federal Reserve System, Imperial College London, International Monetary Fund, Narodowy Bank Polski, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, University of Oxford, University of Warsaw and University of Minnesota. Many of the presented papers have later been published in leading economic journals including the Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Finance, Journal of Money Credit and Banking or The Review of Financial Studies.

This year we meet for the 13th time and the event will be organized in partnership with SGH Warsaw School of Economics and FAME|GRAPE. We are convinced that we will again collect an excellent program. We invite papers from all areas of macroeconomics and finance. Of particular interest are studies on business and financial cycles, monetary economics, interactions between finance and macroeconomics, labor market economics, the theory and practice of central banking and economic growth, but we also welcome submissions in other fields of economics. The conference language is English.

The event is co-organized by SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Submission and registration: 


02/Jul/2025 - 04/Jul/2025