Will working from home eventually work? Revisiting survey evidence with an information experiment

We provide survey subjects with a mild information treatment about consequences of working from home (WFH) for productivity, life satisfaction and career prospects. With a spiking prevalence of WFH during the covid-19 pandemic, existing research utilizes stated preferences for WFH from surveys to argue that workers' preferences were permanently shifted. We put into empirical test the stability of stated preferences for WFH. We find robust treatment effects for stated preference for WFH, attitude towards WFH as well as self-assessed changes in productivity

Unpublished version

@techreport{smyk2022will, title={Will working from home eventually work? Revisiting survey evidence with an information experiment}, author={Smyk, Magdalena and van der Velde, Lucas and Tyrowicz, Joanna}, year={2022}, institution={GRAPE Group for Research in Applied Economics}, number{77} }