Productivity spillovers in the GVC
Jan Hagemejer presented the paper "Productivity spillovers in the GVC: The case of Poland and the new EU member states". In the paper he argues that there are important productivity spillovers within the global value chains, i.e. FDI alone does not tell the whole story of the reallocation processes going on in the economies of the NMS. He uses the standard TFP spillover empirical model augmented with the measures of GVC participation and shows that increased foreign content of exports brings additional productivity gains on top of the ones attributed to exporting and FDSI. Moreover, he shows that in selected cases, participation in the GVC leads to a smaller productivity gap between foreign and domestic firms.
ECOMOD conferences are deveoted to all kinds of economic modelling with a special focus on computable general equilibrium, input-output modeling and macroeconomics. The goal of the conference is to promote the exchange of ideas among economists conducting quantitative analysis for policy and decision-making in the public and private sector. The 2016 conference included 6 parallel sessions over 3 days and several invited talks including those of Sergey Paltsev of the MIT and Sherman Robinson of IFPRI.