Pirates of the Dead Sea
Dead Sea, Jordan, June 6 – 10, 2014 The 17th World Congress of the International Economic Association took place on the Dead Sea, Jordan, from June 6 to June 10, 2014. The Congress was organized jointly with Columbia Global Centers – Middle East (Amman), and in partnership with the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Centre for International Governance Innovation, International Development Research Centre, African Innovation Foundation, Japan International Cooperation Agency, King Abdullah II Fund for Development and Economic Research Forum.
The scientific programme was placed under the responsibility of Professor Timothy Besley, London School of Economics, and he was assisted by a very competent International scientific committee.
The 5-day programme included 5 plenary sessions, 24 invited sessions, 15 policy sessions and over 90 contributed sessions. A number of these sessions were organized externally by the following institutions: African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank Institute, Association for the Study of Religion, Economics and Culture, Center on Global Economic Governance, European Bank for Development, Initiative for Policy Dialogue, International Growth Centre, OECD, World Bank, UNDESA and UNU-WIDER. The full 5-day programme and the papers presented in these sessions can be viewed here. Over 600 people attended and participated in the sessions of this very successful World Congress.
Wojtek gave a talk on the ethics of online piracy.