Structural change and inequality in general equilibrium

We study the evolution of wealth inequality in an economy undergoing structural change. Economic intuition hints that structural change should imply increased income inequality, at least transiently. Economic intuition is more ambiguous for the effects on wealth inequality. On the one hand, increased dispersion in incomes implies increased dispersion in the ability to accumulate wealth across individuals. On the other hand, workers experience greater uncertainty, which may push them to more precautionary savings, which works towards equalizing wealth distribution. The net effect of these two opposing forces is essentially an empirical question. We build an overlapping generations model which features heterogeneous sectors and workers. Using this model, we quantify the role of demographics and the structural change in the evolution of wealth inequality in Poland as of 1990.

Unpublished version

@techreport{makarski2022structural, title={Structural change and inequality in general equilibrium}, author={Makarski, Krzysztof and Tyrowicz, Joanna and Lutynski, Jan and others}, year={2022}, institution={GRAPE Group for Research in Applied Economics} }