Sharing gender board diversity database with the OECD
On invitation of Alexander Hijzen and Antonio Melo we presented our work on gender board diversity in Europe. We shared the Gender Board Diversity Database (GBDD) and discussed our work on board diversity and firm performance. A ton of very well pointed questions about the data and about the phenomenon. GBDD provides a cross-country perspective on women in management and supervisory boards that spans between 1985 and 2020. The data covers 43 European countries and accounts for private companies in addition to the stock-listed ones. It was created using firm-level Orbis data, which Alexander Hijzen has worked intensively on. We also shared the results of revisiting the age old question: are there ramifications for firms from who they appoint to their boardrooms. We construct a shift-share instrument for gender board diversity and find that increasing the share of women on boards is conducive to better economic performance. The results prove robust to a variety of sensitivity analysis. This outcome is driven primarily by firms from the service sector and by smaller firms. The impact was stronger during the early years of our sample.