GRAPE is looking for candidates interested in joining the team. We intend to hire eight part-time assistants (the work load for each is about 20 hours a week), for six projects
- LAFFER led by professor R. Kokoszczyński [taxes and firm performance]
- INNOGEND led by professor B. Liberda [female entrepreneurship and innovation]
- FERTILITY led by dr. P. Strzelecki [demography and stability of pension systems]
- FRAGILITY led by dr K. Makarski [political stability of the pension system reforms]
- PRIVATIZATION led by dr J. Hagemejer [privatization and productivity of firms]
- REALLOCATION led by dr S. Cichocki [labor market flows and economic transition]
The profiles of requirement differ between the projects, but we welcome applications from candidates who have interest in applied economics. Knowledge of English is a must. Prior experience with STATA or R constitute an advantage. On top of these general requirements, we are seeking to fill:
- six part-time positions in microeconometrics of firm-level and individual-level analyses (any knowledge or experience in working with firm-level data is a plus);
- two part-time positions in macroeconomic DSGE and OLG modelling (any previous experience of DSGE or OLG modelling would be appreciated but is not required).
The tasks of the assistant will consist of data management, data analysis and review of literature as well as drafting components of scientific articles and non-technical posts for GRAPE blog. We can offer contract of assignment (“umowa zlecenia”) or a scholarship (“stypendium"). The compensation amounts gross to 1500 PLN for one part-time position per month. The expected contract duration will be between 2 up to 3 years (depending on the project), but it may also be extended, subject to successful cooperation and obtaining new projects. Projects are financed by the National Science Center and Ministry of Science and Higher Education.