We intend to hire up to four part-time research assistants for our three new projects:
- INFERENCE↗ led by Marek Weretka↗ [modeling unpredictable economic policy]
- WEALTH↗ led by Krzysztof Makarski↗ [effects of aging on wealth inequality]
- FlexIN↗ led by Joanna Tyrowicz↗ [working time flexibility and labor market inequality]
Requirements: Good command of English is a prerequisite. We welcome applications from candidates who have interest in applied and quantitative economics. In particular, we value:
- interest in computational macroeconomic models, prior experience is welcomed but not required, strong background in mathematics is expected, knowledge of Matlab/Fortran/Mathematica is an advantage [for INFERENCE and WEALTH];
- interest in empirical analyses and labor market issues, prior microeconometric experience is appreciated but not a prerequisite, knowledge of STATA/R is an advantage [for FlexIN].
The projects are financed by the National Science Center, hence candidates must be enrolled in MA or PhD program.