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Kraje Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej cechują się od lat uporczywie niższymi poziomami zaufania społecznego i zaufania do instytucji publicznych w porównaniu do krajów Europy...
Czy podatki są skutecznym narzędziem ograniczającym palenie papierosów? Sprawdza Stanisław Cichocki GRAPE | Tłoczone z danych dla...
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Czy da się jeździć samochodem zgodnie z przepisami? I jak zachęcić do tego kierowców? O to (i nie tylko to) pytamy Stanisława Cichockiego w siódmym odcinku podcastu GRAPE...
Co o przyczynach powstania włoskiej mafii i jej skutkach mówią w swoich badaniach ekonomiści? Odpowiada Stanisław Cichocki GRAPE|Tłoczone z danych dla...
Dlaczego satysfakcja z życia w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej wciąż jest tak niska? Odpowiedzi szuka Stanisław Cichocki GRAPE|Tłoczone z danych dla...
Czyli kilka słów o skuteczności policji w zwalczaniu przestępczości GRAPE | Tłoczone z danych dla DGP
Czyli kilka słów o potędze perswazji radia. GRAPE | ...
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Jeśli nie chcemy wiecznie martwić się unikaniem opodatkowania, płacenie danin trzeba … osłodzić, a nie przepieprzyć. GRAPE-Tłoczone z danych dla DGP.
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Czynniki wpływające na czas poszukiwania pierwszego zatrudnienia | Gospodarka Narodowa Przeczytaj streszczenie | Read abstract
This article aims to investigate factors that influence the time needed for young people to find their first job. Using data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), a Cox proportional hazard model was estimated for all respondents and for five subgroups of respondents coming from countries with similar labor markets. The results for all the respondents show that factors influencing the time needed for young people to find their first job are in line with the literature. In the case of the five subgroups, there are significant differences between countries in terms of these factors. It seems that, in order to shorten the time needed for young people to find their first job, measures from labor markets with similar characteristics, where similar factors influence the process of people searching for work, should be applied. However, one should bear in mind that this process of “copying” may not be completely successful.
Modelling labour reallocation during the Polish transition: a search-and-matching approach | Bank i Kredyt Przeczytaj streszczenie | Read abstract
An important feature of the reallocation process that took place in Eastern European and former Soviet Union countries was the decline in public sector employment due to the collapse of state-owned enterprises combined with an increase in private sector employment as new private firms emerged and old public companies were privatized. We propose a theoretical, parsimonious model which combines this feature with the standard search and matching model introduced by Diamond, Mortensen and Pissarides. Using numerical simulation we show that faster transition (associated with faster restructuring of state-owned enterprises into more productive private firms) leads to a quicker convergence to the post-transitional equilibrium characterized by high GDP and high employment in the private sector. However, this comes at the cost of negative output growth and higher unemployment in the short run.
Cyclical trend of labor reallocation in Poland: transition and structural change | Eastern European Economics Przeczytaj streszczenie | Read abstract
Two main features of the reallocation process that took place in Eastern European and Former Soviet Union countries should be distinguished. The first feature was the decline in public sector employment as a result of the collapse of state-owned enterprises, linked with an increase in private sector employment as new private firms emerged and old public companies were privatized. The second feature was, and still is, the reallocation of labor from manufacturing to the service sector. Data from the Polish Labor Force Survey for the period 1995–2015 were used to construct measures of worker flows, gross and net, and their cyclical properties were used as a way to test the predictions of structural change and transition theories. It was found that labor market adjustments tend to amplify in upturns of the business cycle, while worker flows contribute only a fraction to the changing structure of employment. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.
The evolution of the Laffer curve as a framework for studying tax evasion: from simple theoretical to DSGE models | Ekonomia Przeczytaj streszczenie | Read abstract
Since about 40 years the Laffer curve is used to investigate tax evasion in different ways and with different results. In this paper we present, using a critical literature review, the main considerations related to the Laffer curve starting from historically oldest theoretical models and empirical studies, through direct empirical estimations of the Laffer curve to, widely used nowadays, general equilibrium models, in particular endogenous growth models. We show, by discussing the advantages and drawbacks of these approaches, their different usefulness in studying tax evasion. We conclude that currently endogenous growth models, particularly DSGE models, provide an appropriate approach for the analysis of tax evasion using the Laffer curve.