This project aims to analyse the intersectoral reallocation of workers, accounting for both industrial and ownership composition. We will use the quasi panel nature of Polish Labour Force Survey (LFS) to inquire the nature of these flows accounting for both direct job-to-job flows and indirect employment-unemployment-employment flows. We will analyse the role of the individual characteristics in determining these flows over the entire available period of 1995-2014. Finally, we will propose a decomposition allowing to disentangle cyclical and trend components. This way, we will try account for business cycle as opposed to such sustained trends as the transition and skill-biased technological change induced by globalisation. Thus, the project will allow to verify a hypothesis that:
together with the progress of transition the role of the business cycle fluctuations became dominant in determining labour market flows in Poland.
Earnings inequality displays very different time trends than household income inequality. New paper published on Social Indicators Research.
Analyzing labor market flows is nowadays a standard tool of labor economics. However in case of Eastern European and Former Soviet Union countries the literature focused, due to...
Labor reallocations constitute a relevant phenomena in advanced and developing countries alike. Faced with the need to accomodate the productive structure to the world requirements, policy makers...
Źródło finansowania | Financing : Narodowe Centrum Nauki, SONATA BIS
Projekt realizowany | Timeline : 03/2013 – 03/2016
Budżet łączny | Total budget: 387 260 zł
- wynagrodzenia dla podstawowych wykonawców | compensation to researchers: 110 400 zł
- wynagrodzenia dla asystentów badawczych | compensation to research assistants: 95 200 zł
- komputery i oprogramowanie ( licencje) | hardware and software: 45 500 zł
- konferencje i inne wyjazdy | conference travels: 45 000 zł
- materiały + zakup danych | usables + purchasing data: 16 200 zł + 18 000 zł
- koszty pośrednie dla Wydziału Nauk Ekonomicznych | overheads for the Faculty of Economics: 28 480 zł
- koszy pośrednie dla Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego | overheads for the University of Warsaw: 28 480 zł
Objectives | Cel badania
In English: This project aims to analyse the intersectoral reallocation of workers, accounting for both industrial and ownership composition. We will use the quasi panel nature of Polish Labour Force Survey (LFS) to inquire the nature of these flows accounting for both direct job-to-job flows and indirect employment-unemployment-employment flows.
Po polsku: Celem projektu jest weryfikacja hipotezy, iż dominująca rola czynników cyklicznych w determinacji skali i kierunku realokacji pracowników świadczy o opuszczeniu fazy transformacji i osiągnięciu przez polski rynek pracy fazy dojrzałości. Pierwszą fazę transformacji powinna charakteryzować realokacja systemowa, lecz wraz z jej postępem, przesunięcia pracowników pomiędzy sektorami powinny odzwierciedlać cykliczność procesów gospodarczych. Określenie empiryczne okresu, po którym dane potwierdzają hipotezę o dominującej roli czynników cyklicznych pozwoliłoby na pełniejsze zrozumienie procesów na rynku pracy w Polsce, szczególnie w kontekście jego zachowania w okresie ostatniego spowolnienia gospodarczego.
Method | Metodyka
In English: Using the entirety of the available LFS data and employing microeconometric techniques we will analyse intersectoral reallocation of workers in order to:
- inquire the role of inflows and outflows for the observed behaviour of the employment rates and structure;
- analyse the influence of these factors on individual wage patterns as well as their dispersion;
- analyse the individual determinants favouring reallocation and the change of these factors across the phases of the business cycle.
Po polsku: W oparciu o dane jednostkowe za lata 1995-2014 (powyższy zakres został wytyczony przez dostępność danych BAEL – dane wcześniejsze nie mają wystarczającej jakości) i z wykorzystaniem technik mikroekonometrycznych przeprowadzona zostanie analiza determinant realokacji sektorowej by zbadać:
- znaczenie napływów/odpływów w obserwowanych zmianach sektorowej struktury zatrudnienia w Polsce;
- wpływ powyższych przepływów na indywidualne wynagrodzenia i ich dyspersję;
- indywidualne determinanty sprzyjające realokacji oraz ich zmiany w cyklu koniunkturalnym.
Intended contribution | Planowane efekty
In English: Upon completion of the project, we will produce a deliverable report which will contain all our results. In addition we plan to produce three publishable research papers (we intend to submit them to international peer-reviewed journals). This includes: (i) analysis of the size of intersectoral flows; (ii) analysis of the determinants of intersectoral flows and (iii) meta-analysis of literature.
Po polsku: Po zakończeniu projektu zostanie przygotowany raport zawierający wszystkie wyniki. Dodatkowo planujemy trzy publikacje naukowe: (i) badanie skali przepływów międzysektorowych; (ii) badanie determinant przepływów sektorowych i (iii) meta-analizę literatury.
In this project, we created a large set of wage inequality indicators. We used a large collection of individual level data. We acquired over 1600 individual level data for 44 countries over three decades. We provide several measures of wage inequality (Gini Index, mean log deviation, log of 90/10 percentiles, log of 90/50 percentiles, log of 50/10 percentiles, log of 75/25 percentiles) for each country and year.
Opublikowane | Published
Labor reallocation and demographics | Journal of Comparative Economics Przeczytaj streszczenie | Read abstract
We explore data from all transition economies over nearly two decades, providing insights on the mechanisms behind labor force reallocation. We show that worker flows between jobs in different industries are rare relative to the demographic flows of youth entry and elderly exit. The same applies to the flows between state-owned enterprises and private firms. In fact, evidence suggest that changes in the demand for labor were accommodated mostly through demographic flows, with a smaller role left for job transitions. We also show that the speed of changing the ownership structure in the economy has driven exits to retirement, in particular the early exits.
This study uses data from LiTS, see the paper tab for replication files as well as the additional controls.
Czynniki wpływające na czas poszukiwania pierwszego zatrudnienia | Gospodarka Narodowa Przeczytaj streszczenie | Read abstract
This article aims to investigate factors that influence the time needed for young people to find their first job. Using data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), a Cox proportional hazard model was estimated for all respondents and for five subgroups of respondents coming from countries with similar labor markets. The results for all the respondents show that factors influencing the time needed for young people to find their first job are in line with the literature. In the case of the five subgroups, there are significant differences between countries in terms of these factors. It seems that, in order to shorten the time needed for young people to find their first job, measures from labor markets with similar characteristics, where similar factors influence the process of people searching for work, should be applied. However, one should bear in mind that this process of “copying” may not be completely successful.
Modelling labour reallocation during the Polish transition: a search-and-matching approach | Bank i Kredyt Przeczytaj streszczenie | Read abstract
An important feature of the reallocation process that took place in Eastern European and former Soviet Union countries was the decline in public sector employment due to the collapse of state-owned enterprises combined with an increase in private sector employment as new private firms emerged and old public companies were privatized. We propose a theoretical, parsimonious model which combines this feature with the standard search and matching model introduced by Diamond, Mortensen and Pissarides. Using numerical simulation we show that faster transition (associated with faster restructuring of state-owned enterprises into more productive private firms) leads to a quicker convergence to the post-transitional equilibrium characterized by high GDP and high employment in the private sector. However, this comes at the cost of negative output growth and higher unemployment in the short run.
Cyclical trend of labor reallocation in Poland: transition and structural change | Eastern European Economics Przeczytaj streszczenie | Read abstract
Two main features of the reallocation process that took place in Eastern European and Former Soviet Union countries should be distinguished. The first feature was the decline in public sector employment as a result of the collapse of state-owned enterprises, linked with an increase in private sector employment as new private firms emerged and old public companies were privatized. The second feature was, and still is, the reallocation of labor from manufacturing to the service sector. Data from the Polish Labor Force Survey for the period 1995–2015 were used to construct measures of worker flows, gross and net, and their cyclical properties were used as a way to test the predictions of structural change and transition theories. It was found that labor market adjustments tend to amplify in upturns of the business cycle, while worker flows contribute only a fraction to the changing structure of employment. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.
Effects of labor reallocation on productivity and inequality - insights from studies on transition | Journal of Economic Surveys Przeczytaj streszczenie | Read abstract
From a theoretical perspective, the link between the speed and scope of rapid labor reallocation and productivity growth or income inequality is ambiguous. Do reallocations with more flows tend to produce higher productivity growth? Does such a link appear at the expense of higher income inequality? We explore the rich evidence from earlier studies on worker flows in the period of massive and rapid labor reallocation, that is, the economic transition from a centrally planned to a market-oriented economy in CEE. We have collected over 450 estimates of job flows from the literature and used these inputs to estimate the short-run and long-run relationship between labor market flows, labor productivity, and income inequality. We apply the tools typical for a meta-analysis to verify the empirical regularities between labor flows and productivity growth as well as income inequality. Our findings suggest only weak and short-term links with productivity, driven predominantly by business cycles. However, data reveal a strong pattern for income inequality in the short run—more churning during reallocation is associated with a level effect toward increased Gini indices.