Od stycznia 2024 r. wartość świadczenia na dziecko wzrosła z 500 zł do 800 zł. Czy program 800+, wspierający rodziców w wychowaniu dzieci, jest potrzebny?

Adiunkt, Polska Akademia Nauk
Assistant Professor, Polish Academy of Science
Dlaczego zadłużenie amerykańskich studentów tak bardzo wzrosło w ostatnich latach? Sprawdza Sylwia Radomska GRAPE | Tłoczone z danych dla...
Badaczka z GRAPE uzyskała stopień doktora na Wydziale Nauk Ekonomicznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego broniąc pracy „Investment in human capital: an optimal taxation approach”.
The team grows, Sylwia Radomska joined us as a research assistant.
W toku | Work in progress
The European Unemployment Puzzle: implications from population aging Przeczytaj streszczenie | Read abstract
We study the link between the evolving age structure of the working population and unemployment. We build a large New Keynesian OLG model with a realistic age structure, labor market frictions, sticky prices and aggregate shocks. Once calibrated to the European economies, we use this model to provide comparative statics across past and contemporaneous age structures of the working population. Thus, we quantify the extent to which the response of labor markets to adverse TFP shocks and monetary policy shocks becomes muted with the aging of the working population. Our findings have important policy implications for European labor markets and beyond. For example, the working population is expected to further age in Europe, whereas the share of young workers will remain robust in the US. Our results suggest a partial reversal of the European-US unemployment puzzle.
Metody badań w zarządzaniu finansami: [studia dzienne i wieczorowe] [studia zaoczne]